

Build a better IoT asset tracking solution on LoRaWAN networks with the largest portfolio of integration-ready LPWAN asset tracking devices and the widest range of connectivity and location technology options including GNSS, WiFi Positioning, and LoRaWAN® Geolocation.

Select from our range of battery-powered asset tracking devices featuring up to 12 years of battery life to track and manage assets that do not have a power source, such as pallets, bins, or shipping containers. We also offer the G62 for LoRaWAN, a comprehensive equipment monitoring and GPS fleet tracking and management solution for vehicles and heavy equipment management on LoRaWAN networks.

Highly sensitive radio transceivers available in a single multiband device. Both 868 and 902 – 928 MHz supported.

Our device range includes compact and concealable battery-powered asset tracking devices for non-powered assets. We also offer robust wired devices with customizable I/O’s for advanced trailer, vehicle, and fleet management applications.

Reduce OPEX costs with industry-leading battery life and performance. Our battery-powered devices are engineered from the ground up to achieve maximum battery life with ultra-low power consumption.

GNSS, Wi-Fi AP MAC Address Scanning, and LoRaWAN geolocation solutions. Track critical assets indoors and outdoors with one device and eliminate the need for expensive RTLS gateways or beacons.

Receive location updates regularly throughout the day or only when movement occurs with smart adaptive tracking technology.

Stationary devices enter sleep mode, switching the update rate to only once per day until movement occurs to conserve battery life and optimize data usage.

Configure device parameters such as heartbeat rate, movement and accelerometer settings, and more to fit any tracking application. Manage device firmware updates and parameters via DMLink provisioning tool. Some parameters can be changed via downlink.