

Being compliant not only means adhering to legislated laws and standards but also to all important policies and procedures put in place by your own organisation. Vehicle Technologies offer a range of solutions that will not only ensure that you stay legally compliant but realise the gains in efficiency and the reduction in risk that a focus on continual compliance will always bring.

RUC Management

Managing Road User Charges (RUC) compliance can be an ongoing headache, and that’s even before you even get to the point of making off road claims!

Take the burden of managing your RUC compliance away. Automate RUC purchases, easily add additional licenses and automatically claim off road mileage with a single click. After a while you’ll wonder what all the hassle was ever about!

Vehicle Certification

Make sure that your vehicles are ready for the road and job ahead via automated Vehicle and Asset Certifications monitoring and reminders.

By tracking and being notified of all vehicle and asset Warrant, Registration and Certifications you need to keep your fleet compliant you’ll reduce downtime, ensure scheduled checks are never missed and that having a vehicle on the road or an asset operating without all the required certifications is a thing of the past!

Driver Certification

An unlicensed driver or operator is not only a massive risk but a legal headache, but how can you ensure that your team are compliant for the task at hand?

Ensure continual compliance by monitoring your drivers or operators required Driver License, Medical and Health and Safety requirements via proactive reminders of any due or overdue compliance issues.

Or go even further and ensure that vehicles and assets will only work for certified operators and will not start if an unlicensed operator attempts to use it, worrying about your staff’s compliances will be a thing of the past!

Driver, Vehicle & Asset Inspections

Ensuring that you fleet and drivers are in top shape and ready for the job ahead is more than just making sure they have their certifications up to date.

Give your drivers the tools to ensure both they can check that both their vehicles and they themselves are fit for purpose and ready for the job at hand. Ask the right questions, check the tools for the job and sure health, safety and compliance for all is a defined forethought and not a nagging regret!

WorkSafe Compliance

With recent WorkSafe changes the Health and Safety at Work Act defines that you’re not only responsible for your own employees but you also have a duty of care to sub-contractors, and anyone actively engaged with your business!

Ensure that your organisation is informed and has the tools to monitor those actively involved in your business or those that are engaged even part time!

And crucially ensure you have the means to provide safe working environments, as even a vehicle of site is still considered part of your work place.

Driver Policy Checks

When was the last time your drivers read your Company Driver Policy? When they did read it did they understand it? Do you even have a Policy?

Make sure that your drivers not only know what is expected of them as they operate your vehicles but make them prove that they know. And if you don’t have one work with Vehicle Technologies to create a polity perfect for your business operations.

And then use our tools to test your drivers on your company policy and ensure that your organisation is not left vulnerable to staff saying “I didn’t know that” in the event of incident, prove that they did!

Lease Compliance

Under a lease there are often a mountain of requirements that you need to meet to ensure you aren’t fined for not complying! And as you meet these requirements are you truly able to understand the total cost of your lease?

Ensure total control of your lease can be captured, documented and reported on to ensure you not only comply as required but can prove that you have!